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Linda Quinones Husband: Neal Quinones Degree: Sociology

Linda Quinones, Owner SeekingSitters Montgomery County and Washington DC

Babysitter's Mom Becomes Franchisee!

Linda Quinones is the proud mother of four adult children. Family has always been very important to Linda, including being a stay at home mom, as was for her mom. Linda worked nearly 20 years in direct sales while raising her children and building a million dollar sales career. The Quinones family still gets together for family meals and quality weekends at their lake house, but as her children are now grown, Linda was ready for a new business adventure. As she contemplated her future, her daughter suggested SeekingSitters, the sitting referral service she had worked with as a sitter for over 4 years. Owning a franchise that allowed flexible hours and a great investment- it was a perfect fit! Linda is excited to help families in Montgomery County Maryland and the Washington DC area find safe and reliable sitters!

Find Out How SeekingSitters got started.

News 2013

PR Web
SeekingSitters is a nationwide babysitting referral service that has in-house private investigators screen all sitters. They have added pet sitting, house sitting and study support to its services.
SeekingSitters Offers Tips for Snagging a Sitter for February 14th and Beyond

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